Report about MLDM 2020, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
July 29th, 2020 The world congress "Frontiers in Intelligent Data and Signal Analysis 2020" comprised of the three conferences: - MDA-AI&PR 2020, 15th International Conference on Mass Data Analysis of Images and Signals in Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition, - ICDM 2020 20th Industrial Conference on Data Mining, and - MLDM 2020 16th International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining now is over.
The pandemic "Corona" has put us this year before a difficult time. In this time, flexibility was a must because the situation in the USA was still difficult, we have moved the conferences from the US to Amsterdam in the Netherlands. Here a variety of the participants was able to do outward journeys. The ones who could not travel, were online present.
We had a successful meeting with oral presentations and video presentations.
The congress started with the invited talk of Prof. Dan Simovici about Information-Theoretical Approaches in Data Mining. This was an impressive talk about the basics of Information-Theoretical Approaches that gave occasion for reflexion, for inspiring ideas, and for a very fruitful discussion of the audience. This talk was followed by the personal presentations intermixed with video presentations. All presenters gave impressive presentations. The audience went after each presentation in fruitful discussions and exchanged ideas for further work.
Video presentations have been made available by oral presenters and online presenters. These video presentations can be accessed on each conference site. You are very welcome to watch the video presentations.
We have enjoyed the atmosphere of the conference, which was made nice by the excellent creation of the conference space and the food provided by the conference hotel the "Renaissance Schiphol". Finally, we have enjoyed Amsterdam. The city showed itself in a pleasant and sunny atmosphere. The many attractions of Amsterdam gave occasion stroll around the canals and the A´dam tower lured with a spectacular look over Amsterdam.
The proceedings of all three conferences are freely accessible as an OPEN-ACCESS Proceedings for a wide public so that, the new acquired knowledge on the different subjects can spread around quickly worldwide.
You may find the proceedings at Extended versions of selected papers will appear in the international journal Transactions on Machine Learning and Data Mining (
We hope to see you in 2021 in New York to the congress again.
The conference runs under the umbrella of the World Congress on “The Frontiers in Intelligent Data and Signal Analysis, DSA 2021” (, which combines under its roof the following three events: International Conferences Machine Learning and Data Mining MLDM ( , the Industrial Conference on Data Mining ICDM (, and the International Conference on Mass Data Analysis of Signals and Images in Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition with Applications in Medicine, Biotechnology, Chemistry and Food Industry, MDA-AI&PR (
We would warmly invite you with pleasure to contribute to this conference.
Please come and join us. We are awaiting you.
Sincerely yours,
Prof. Dr. Petra Perner Chair