Intern. Workshop
Advanced Internet of Things for Medicine and Others - IoTMO 2023
The Internet of Things and Services
July 14th, 2023, New York, USA
Workshop Chair
- Sibille Schmidt, Futurelab Artificial Intelligence IBaI-2, Germany
Program Committee
- Corneliu Buzduga, "Stefan cel Mare" University, Romania
- Piet Kommer, University of Twente, The Netherlands
- Fabio Galatioto, Transport Systems Catapult, U.K
- Daniela Giorgi, Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione, Italy
- Jose Machado, University of Minho, Portugal
- Galina Marusic, Technical University of Moldova, Republic of Moldova
- Eva Nedeliakova, University of Zilina, Slovakia
- Filippo Neri, Universita di Napoli, Imperial College Business School, Italy
- Dragana Krstik, University of Nis, Serbia
- Petra Perner, Institute of Computer Vision and Applied Computer Sciences, IBaI, Germany
- Daniel Popescu, Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, Romania
- Roberto Revetria, Universita degli Studi de Genova, Italy
This workshop proposes a new approach for analysis of the fourth industrial revolution, i.e. Internet of Things (IoT), by considering the degree of success that IoT has health of, for example the Iot health of industry, of services, of medicine, of environment, and above all, of data as a transponder (e.g. embedded transmitter and responder) of all these through the final beneficiary: the modern society. A major consideration in designing an efficient and sustainable Internet of Things for Medicine (IoTM) system is its flexible availability and adaptability to medical and social embedding process. Such system we named it IoT Green System. When a component of the system fails, the system reconfiguration is often less than perfect and recovery time is critical. It is shown that, if these imperfections constitute even a very small percent of all possible system faults, the availability of the system may be considerably reduced. As a medical system includes a large number of components with failure/success states, the system-level discrete event model becomes computationally intractable. New models, nature inspired models, are needed in order to deal with this complex and stringent issue, for highlighting emergent research and application techniques. Our workshop challenges both authors and auditors to anticipate theirs future evolution in respect to technological and social changes of IoT advanced systems. We deal with a non-classic workshop but an open minded and open discussion, and free debate one.
Contributions related, but not limited, to the following topics of interest are welcome:
- Flexible medicine IoT and tele-medicine systems;
- IoT for medicine big-data systems;
- Inter-modal IoT transportation systems in medicine;
- Inter-modal Citizens Science in IoT medical applications;
- Control and hazards of IoT for medicine applications;
- Inter-modal medicine IoT security services;
- Interaction man-machine in medical IoT systems;
- Inter-modal natural hazards in medicine IoT security systems;
- Internet of things for sanitizing environmental real-life habitats;
- Internet of things applications for eco-constraint artificial medical systems;
- Other formalisms for modeling IoT eco-constraint dynamical systems;
- Control and optimize interactions between IoT complex systems;
- Diagnosis of dynamical IoT systems with sudden medical constraints;
- Medicine IoT systems for game-based learning of public protection to natural or hazardous disasters.
Other applications outside medicine are also welxome!
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
- Internet Applications for Manufacturing, Health and LifeScience
- Internet Applications that use Speech, Sensors, Images to Originate and Improving the Manufacturing, Health and LifeScience
- Performance Monitoring and Analysis along the value added chain
- Methods for Integration and Monitoring of different Participants in the Value added Chain
- Methods for Learning the Customer Behavior and adaptive Sales Planning
- provide a forum for identifying important contributions and opportunities for research
- promote the systematic study of the Internet of Things and Services and
- show case applications for Manufacturing and LifeSciences for B2ML.
- Submission Deadline: May 25th, 2023
- Notification Date: May 31th, 2023
- Camera-Ready Deadline: June 12th, 2023
- Workshop date: July 17th, 2023
The papers will be reviewed by the International Program Committee of ICDM.
The goals of this workshop are to:
Workshop Format
In this workshop we intend to bring scientists, medical people, and industrial people together and actively identify common research threads, define open problems, and develop collaborative contacts. We aimed at providing an informal atmosphere where participants are encouraged to ask clarifying questions throughout the talks and to participate in longer discussions after each presentation.
Since we anticipate varied backgrounds of the participants, we will encourage speakers to present their work from a big-picture perspective and to clearly identify key issues in their research before they dive into technical details.
A wrap-up round table discussion will summarize the lessons learnt, issues identified, and future directions.
Submission Requirements
All papers will be published in the workshop proceedings by ibai-publishing.
Paper submissions should be formatted according to Springer LNCS format, with a maximum of 15 pages. Author's instructions along with LaTeX and Word macro files are available on the web at
Please submit the electronic version of your camera-ready paper to and reference to IoTMO2022 in the header of the e-mail.
Important Dates
After the conference, authors are invited to submit a revised version of their paper to the International Journal Transactions on Machine Learning and Data Mining of the ibai publishing house.. Please submit a revised version of your paper after the conference to